In spite of the fact that we are living in the 21st century where new technologies are developed every day and where it is easier to find more information about anything, we still can hear some absurd clichés or stereotypes.
Well, I'll try to go step by step. Firstly, we all know what a stereotype is: 'A fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person or thing, but which is often not true in reality'. Some examples of this definition could be:
- Blond women are silly.
- Latin American people are good dancers.
- Doctors have an unreadable handwriting.
- Men are stronger than women.
- Girls love pink.
- Immigrants are people that don't have a higher education.
- People from Catalonia are the stingiest in Spain.
- The Japanese are quiet people.
This list could be dangerously longer, couldn't it? I wonder what the origin of it all is. The answer isn't simple, however, I reckon we all tend to generalize about our bad and good experiences and this is the biggest mistake we can make, as exceptions break rules!
In this sense, we'd better avoid using some words in our daily life like: all, any, always, never. Among other reasons, because we wouldn't be recognizing other behaviours that someone had had in the past. At the same time, if we use these words, we won't allow them to have an opportunity to change their future.
In summary, if our guiding principle are stereotypes, we will associate a person o anything only with an incident. In consequence, we will be losing the opportunity to really get to know a person, or a new place, culture, people, language, food, and so on and so forth.
In summary, if our guiding principle are stereotypes, we will associate a person o anything only with an incident. In consequence, we will be losing the opportunity to really get to know a person, or a new place, culture, people, language, food, and so on and so forth.