Friday, 27 November 2015

Two of the best ...

Hi weekend ... I would like to share with you an awesome piece of song, so these  days I'm feeling completely at ease!

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Why do we send flowers???

I've just read this article, and I've just found it very interesting, as  throughout our lives we've  received flowers or we've sent flowers for many and several reasons and  these occasions probably marked a milestone.

In fact, the power of flowers or 'flowers language' is so important that every colour has a special meaning, so every situation in which we've used it could have made  a difference, at least in my life.

I would like to know what your views or experiences are on sending/receiving flowers.

One Bouquet of Fleeting Beauty, Please

Tuesday, 17 November 2015


Yesteday evening,  I had another interesting  English  class. My teacher told us about  metaphors, but what do we understand  by metaphor? According to the dictionary it means: ' A word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe somebody/something else, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities and to make the description more powerful' .... I agree with this definition but I would like to add 'a metaphor is the poet's language'. In fact, I really love this scene when Pablo Neruda tries to explain to Mario what a metaphore is....

Mario Benedetti  and Jorge Luis Borges are  my all-time favourite poets. I love  poetry thanks to both, so in my opinion they drescribe in a perfect and magic way  what we feel, think, believe, dream, and so on and so forth .... I wish I could write as a poet.  

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Songs, songs and songs ....

When I was 8 or 9 years old, I had a memorable experience with this song. I remember that I was so  happy, because my basketball team won for the  first time a championship title (then this song was a hit). This fantastic fact, not only resulted in my love for this sport, but also I could learn many things. I learnt that friendship  goes beyond time and space, I learnt to appreciate teamwork, I learnt to develop my possibilities more than my limitations. In a nutshell, I learnt to live...

Every time that I listen to this song, it reminds me of  my Bolivian family, especially   my mother. I remember  her unconditional  love for me. Since I've been living  here,  I've discovered even more her qualities and day after day and after day I love her more!

Finally, I would like to share  this song because I  simply love Bossa Nova  and I admire  both songwriters.

Wishes & regrets

Last weekend  I was thinking about wishes and regrets in my own life,  and  I couldn't avoid connecting it with key words like: decisions, challenges, opportunities, learnings, investigations, introspection and so on and so forth .... I've decided not to connect it with negative expressions because for me all experiences  good, bad  even sad are the result of what I am now.

By , © 2007

How many times do we say something that
we immediately realized was not the right thing to say?
How many times do we look back
on an event and think, if only I had. . .
How many times do we do something
that we wish hadn't done?

You can't change what has been said.
You can't change a past event.
You can't change what has been done.

Do you call it regret, sorrow, repentance?
Do you think about what might have been?
Do you relive an event the way it should have been?

Forget about regret, and focus.
Focus on today,
not on the past.
Focus on what you can do,
not what you didn't do.

The only thing to regret is
living in the past
The only thing to feel sorrow for is
not living each day to the fullest.
The only thing to do to repent is
to sincerely say, I'm sorry.

Don't live your life
regretting yesterday.
Live your life so
tomorrow you won't regret today.

A good way to start or end this day

Yesterday evening my little daughter gave me another fantastic lesson. So when I came back home, she realized that I was so worried and tired, because I had to do many household chores in little time. Then she told me:  'Mum I know you know many things, and I know you have to do  a thounsand things but  you are forgetting an important thing .... the silence  and how  special that  is, and she asked me too: Do you know what the colours of silence are?'. Obviously, when I heard it, I was surprised and what is more I remained completely speechless. After that she added: 'Mum give me your hands, and now close your eyes and breath just breath' ...  I couldn't avoid smiling and of course, eventually I got  better.

With  this awesome experience, I can't help wondering  wheter  life isn't just too hectic or  it is us that are turnings our live into an everlasting race. Fortunately. we can change it every day ....we can  take a break to discover the colours of silence !!!