Thursday, 30 March 2017


Every day, since we are conscious we are exposed to thousands of decisions. Decisions that fluctuate from the most trivial to the most fundamental in our lives. This idea is so certain that right now, you can decide if you continue reading this article or not.

In this sense, I think that everyone can differentiate all decisions and indecisions into crucial ones and inessential ones. To ilustrate this idea, we could think that every morning when we are waking up we
have to decide whether to have a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast, whether to get dressed in a formal or informal way, whether to opt to drive or take the bus or underground and something like this.

Of course, this list can be endless and at the same time we could presume that all these decisions are superfluous because we have turned them into something habitual. Consequently, all these decisions have become small decisions that do not affect our ability, and what is more, they do not concern us or occupy an important place in our lives.

Nonetheless, the other side of the coin shows us that many of us have to face multiple and significant decisions, such as the choice of our degree, the university where we will study, the place/ country where we will live, the person with whom we want to share our life, if we want to be parents, among many other things.

It seems that at every stage of our lives the decisions are our travelling companions. Then, at this point, I wonder if there is any way to learn to make decisions. Of course, I am thinking about how to make good or correct decisions. In this sense, I reckon that formal education only teaches us that we will have to face many decisions or we will have to need to make up our own mind, but they will not teach us how to do it effectively. For this reason, many times we are in two minds about an important decision.

Unfortunately or fortunately, we have learnt to make decisions through trial and error pedagogy. Through making the wrong decisions, through many errors, we have learnt to have more flexibility or freedom to choose.

Maybe that's why I now understand much better the saying: ´there's no substitute for experience and so, older but wiser´.

Jet lag

This song, is the perfect summary of what I feel when I miss my family ... I can not get used to the time difference :( ..... However, the positive thing about all this, is that when I go home everything becomes even more special.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Make up your mind !!!

I'm in two minds about travelling to Bolivia the next summer. I need to make up my mind!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Poetry in Spring ...

Today is the perfect day, because this day is the first day of the spring and at the same time today is the World Poetry Day. I Love it!

Bolivian Zebras

I will definetely need one of them, for my next speaking test  :)

Saturday, 18 March 2017

What's behind the chocolate?

Coincidence or Causation?

It is funny how we learn the most important and relevant things in our lives. Most of the time these
meaningful learning are acquired by chance. Oddly enough, this was just how I learned to make origami.

Nowadays, I can remember with a half smile my first years living in Spain. At that time, although I tried to see the positive side of things (a long and tedious process to validate my degree, living away from my family and friends, not having friends in this country, starting a life with my husband), I inevitably fell into the temptation to think negatively and consequently to fall into a stressful situation.

That was until I met a person who would mark my life forever. One day, I attended a conference on immigrant women which exposed the complex problem of migration. Then, I was surprised how my story was repeated over and over again with different faces and nationalities. The weight on my shoulders seemed to lighten when I heard that my problems in this country were more common than I could imagine.

On that day I met Megumi a formidable Japanese woman. Since then we have forged a great friendship. In fact, thanks to her I was able to learn that patience is truly an art that can be learned and stimulated. So every time I feel that a situation stresses me, I make some origami cranes because: “An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. Some stories believe you are granted eternal good luck, instead of just one wish, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.”

Friday, 17 March 2017

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Like a clockwork slave, always getting wound up !

Through his comics wisely Quino said: “As always: what is urgent does not leave time for what is important”. This troubling truth, could be the prelude to understanding our current stressed society.

I often wonder why we are so stressed, ​if we are supposed to live better with all the technological advances at our disposal, why do we always say that we do not have time? Or rather why do we not have the time to do what we really want or need?

I believe, one more time, that the real problem is that most of the time, we have lost perspective and the balance of what is really important in our lives. We are losing our own skills to know how to prioritize, to detect what truly makes us feel owners of our time and, in the last instance, builders of our happiness.

Funnily, those who know how to handle stress better are the children. Their cries, jumps, their inexhaustible energy to play and make up awe-inspiring stories, games and so on, make them free to fall into "the urgent".

Obviously, they know what the urgent and the important is:  .... happiness.

Sunday, 5 March 2017