Wednesday 8 March 2017

Like a clockwork slave, always getting wound up !

Through his comics wisely Quino said: “As always: what is urgent does not leave time for what is important”. This troubling truth, could be the prelude to understanding our current stressed society.

I often wonder why we are so stressed, ​if we are supposed to live better with all the technological advances at our disposal, why do we always say that we do not have time? Or rather why do we not have the time to do what we really want or need?

I believe, one more time, that the real problem is that most of the time, we have lost perspective and the balance of what is really important in our lives. We are losing our own skills to know how to prioritize, to detect what truly makes us feel owners of our time and, in the last instance, builders of our happiness.

Funnily, those who know how to handle stress better are the children. Their cries, jumps, their inexhaustible energy to play and make up awe-inspiring stories, games and so on, make them free to fall into "the urgent".

Obviously, they know what the urgent and the important is:  .... happiness.

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