Tuesday 10 November 2015

A good way to start or end this day

Yesterday evening my little daughter gave me another fantastic lesson. So when I came back home, she realized that I was so worried and tired, because I had to do many household chores in little time. Then she told me:  'Mum I know you know many things, and I know you have to do  a thounsand things but  you are forgetting an important thing .... the silence  and how  special that  is, and she asked me too: Do you know what the colours of silence are?'. Obviously, when I heard it, I was surprised and what is more I remained completely speechless. After that she added: 'Mum give me your hands, and now close your eyes and breath just breath' ...  I couldn't avoid smiling and of course, eventually I got  better.

With  this awesome experience, I can't help wondering  wheter  life isn't just too hectic or  it is us that are turnings our live into an everlasting race. Fortunately. we can change it every day ....we can  take a break to discover the colours of silence !!!

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